Loving Legumes
Beans, a.k.a. legumes, are more than a magical fruit. They have wonderful health benefits as well as an inexpensive source of protein.
A single cup has around 15 grams of protein. They are a good source of several vital nutrients, including folate, this is the nutrient you hear so much about during pregnancy to prevent neuro tube defects but it helps make healthy red blood cells too. They are a good source of iron as well. Soybeans have almost 9 mg of iron. Magnesium is needed to make neurotransmitters, support muscle and nerve function and energy production as well and support the immune system, and keeps blood pressure normal. Black beans have 120 mg in a single cup. Lima beans give you about 1000 mg of potassium double what you get from a banana. We have heard so much about zinc for immune health and wound repair. Chickpeas give 2.4 mg of zinc. They are rich in polyphenols a type of antioxidant, which prevents free radical damage.
Another great benefit to beans is resistant starch. This acts like fiber that is hard to digest. It feeds good gut bacteria. This is important because good gut bacteria help us make enzymes that protect our heart.
Your Health
Several studies have found a correlation between eating beans and lowering coronary heart disease. The fact they are rich in fiber about 19 grams in navy beans. Along with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, could lead to a reduced risk of cancer and diabetes when eating a diet that includes beans. It helps you feel full and reduces overeating leading to weight loss.
In the Kitchen
One of my favorite ways to include beans into my diet is roasted chickpeas, bean gravy cauliflower fried steak, and kidney bean salad. See links to the recipes.
Dried beans need to be washed, and soaked before being brought to a boil for at least 10 min and then simmer until they are soft. I use the pressure cooker to speed up the time for cooking. Or I use canned beans. I say fresh over frozen, frozen over canned, and canned over nothing. You just need to watch the amount of sodium some brands add.
Your Next Step
Now it is time for you to give this a try! Check out the recipes below to enjoy with your family! Learn more about FCM Coaching and book a Discovery Call to discuss getting your personalized nutrition plan with Metabolic Balance®.
Crispy Roasted Chickpeas (Oil Free!) – The Big Man’s World ® (thebigmansworld.com)
Cauliflower Fried Steak with Bean Gravy
References: https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-why-beans-are-good-for-health

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