Simply Water
I totally get the drink craze! How many drinks are out there for our health, enjoyment and even comfort? Living on a diet full of drinks is easy. Such as “fancy” coffees and teas, shakes and juices can take your through an entire day! But they just aren’t the same as drinking simply water. While we may think water as boring, allow me to enlighten you!
Okay, this isn’t anything new. We know we need water to be hydrated, but sometimes we think drinking coffee, tea, soda, etc. still provides us with some hydration. Especially when we look at sports drinks and others that promote hydration through additional electrolytes and minerals added. But what else is added that may also cause negative effects? A lot of times, sugars are added to sports drinks.
If you really want to go healthy, we can look at lemon added to our water, infused water, aloe juice/water, herbal teas and even coconut water. While you might be in a space where you need something added to your water that provides additional electrolytes and minerals, drinking anything but simply water, activates your digestive system. So let’s get into that!
Give Yourself a Break
Drinking anything but simply water, activates your digestive system. One of the main reasons for obesity and the development of metabolic disorders is the fact that we always are activating our digestive system. If you think about it, only in recent history has our society been in this place of constant feast. Even a couple hundred years ago, a balance between food consumption and having longer fasting times between meals were more common. While we should give our digestive system a break from food and eat just three meals a day, it’s important that we understand that break includes only water.
Quality Water
While we are taking a short fasting break between meals, and including water, it’s important to be aware of the quality of water you are drinking. I’m not talking about splitting hairs between purified, distilled, spring, etc. Instead I’m talking about being sure your water does have minerals and electrolytes in it.
Naturally, “back-in-the-day”, we would drink water from springs, rivers and streams. The water naturally would pick up minerals and vitamins from the rocks, plant life, etc. that is in a river, stream or spring. While making sure we have clean water is important, we’ve also stripped out a lot of these natural elements from water. Water naturally leaches out the minerals from the natural elements it comes in contact with. If the water were lacking these things, it is looking to gather it from somewhere else. That’s why sometimes drinking water seems to take more out of you than it gives back to you.
Bring Water Back to Life
When water is lacking minerals and natural elements, it is called “Dead Water”. The best water to drink that will have more of the natural elements is spring water. But you can easily add drops of minerals and electrolytes into your water. If you are drinking “dead water”, then the water is pulling minerals and nutrients from you and going straight through your body without being absorbed and to hydrate you at a cellular level.
Water Safety
While we talk about water a lot of times lacking healthy nutrients for your body, you must also be aware of some of the harmful things that can be in your water. This is why we have our public water systems and are regulated to be sure it keeps the public safe. If you aren’t on a water system, and drink well water, still be sure to know what is in your water. You can easily test your drinking water and see if there is any reason to bring attention to it. If your water contains something that can potentially be harmful, your body can be in a state of crisis rather than healing.
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Oatmeal, A Quality Piece of the Nutrition Puzzle
What really is the big deal about oatmeal? Enjoy a warm steamy bowl of educational facts with a little flavor added with some recipe ideas.
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