A Protein Strategy to Lose Weight
Did you know when protein is eaten first, one result is that your body will naturally burn fat? You have heard about the benefits of protein but understanding the power it has is something else! As part of one of our lifestyle strategies, a couple of bites of protein first actually help regulate your insulin levels. Managing your insulin level with those first couple of bites will help you lose weight and gain health.
Salads First
Traditionally, when you go out to eat a nice dinner, the salad is usually served first. It’s an age-old tradition that actually doesn’t serve your body the best. While every salad is presented differently, a lot of salads have no source of protein with it! Protein is reserved just for the main course. So, we know protein is important to our health. The building blocks it provides performs diverse functions in the body. But why is eating a couple of bites of protein so important first, rather than just waiting for the main course?
Protein and Insulin
Our biggest struggle with our American Diet is managing insulin levels! Not only can insulin synthesize fat production but also triggers other chronic health conditions when out of control. When your protein is introduced to the body first in a meal, it begins to break down in the stomach by an important enzyme that is activated by this introduction. This enzyme is called glucagon. While the name of this enzyme might sound a lot like glucose, it is very different. Glucagon is actually the antagonist to insulin and supports the regulation of glucose. When insulin is increased too much, it can make the body produce fat. Instead, glucagon, the knight in shining armor, keeps insulin levels down, specifically when eaten first in your meal! So, what happens when you effectively manage your insulin level with a strategy like this?
Results of Managing Insulin with Protein
Eating just two bites of protein first, you activate the important enzyme glucagon that keeps your insulin levels lower to allow your body to:
- Lower insulin levels, keep insulin levels low
- Stimulate burning fat
- Blocks the production of fat
- Prevents cravings and later the “need” to eat
When consistently applying this protein strategy you see how it not only helps you maintain your weight loss and health gains but will allow your body to get there in the first place!
Metabolic Balance® and Protein
Applying this strategy within your Metabolic Balance® plan is essential to your success with your personalized nutrition plan. Our goal to turn your health around and provide your body with the environment to lose weight encompasses the idea of managing your insulin levels. Integrating these ideas around proteins and your first bites is an essential lifestyle change. We encouraged you to preserve this strategy to continue to maintain your health benefits and weight loss once you’ve hit your goals. Learn more about the ins and outs of our program with FCM Coaching and how it works.
Ready to learn more and lose weight, finally?
Working with us and having access to your FCM Coaching Educational Coaching Series gives you a deeper dive into some of these scientific foundational approaches to changing your life. In turn, not only will it will change your life, you will find the energy and vitality you are now only dreaming of. Learn how to make your dreams a reality with FCM Coaching and book a Discovery Call with us!
Cleveland Clinic (2022) Amino Acids. Cleveland Clinic Articles. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22243-amino-acids
Cleveland Clinic (2022) Glucagon. Cleveland Clinic Articles. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22283-glucagon

Metabolic Balance vs Ketogenic Diet/Intermittent Fasting
The Metabolic Balance program has the best of both ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting diet, while being sustainable.
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