HALT Your Old Habits
Food is both social and emotional. If you don’t believe me, think of the times you ate something because you were in a social situation. Or you went and picked up that candy bar because you were feeling emotional. We often make choices about the things we eat and put in our bodies without thinking. H.A.L.T. is a strategy you can use when you want to change old habits.
Your Action
HALT is an acronym that stands for the question you ask yourself before you make a decision. It is something that can be applied in many different ways and for many different purposes. The strategy was first developed to support those dealing with addiction habits. While we often think of drug abuse as a bad addiction habit, food is actually the next biggest addiction we deal, with (just my opinion!). So while you may be faced with a choice because of either social or emotional pressures, you have a tool!
Ask yourself as you face a decision first, “Are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired?”. You take the time and think to yourself, what is it that you are really feeling that you are going to try and solve with a food choice? The self-reflection and personal development are important for any kind of lifestyle change.
Your Choice
Once you identify why you want to make the food choice and have identified how you are feeling around the food, you make the final choice. Do you eat the food and now have an understanding of why you are choosing to eat it? Or, do you find another way to fulfill that need you have identified? Each option is a learning experience!
Now, if you choose to eat the food for the identified reasons, you have gained a little more insight into your thinking! Next time you are faced with the same situation, you can go through this process again and hopefully be able to make a more insightful decision for yourself. So, it is not that we will never fall into the old habit and fill our needs with food, but becoming aware of our choices is one of the biggest personal growth moments you can have.
If you choose to fulfill your need in another way, well done! When you are truly hungry, make your best choice. What if you are angry, what is going to help you relieve it without food? Are you lonely? Think about what you feel you need to reach out to. Notice you are tired? Move some things around, and take a 30-minute power nap, or decide things can wait and just go to bed!
Dr. Maggie’s Addition
One additional emotion you can self-check with that isn’t technically part of HALT, is “Are you Sad?” Oftentimes we eat when we are sad. If you are sad, what is something that is going to lift your spirits? Is it a connection, time alone, enjoying a hobby, listening to music, or watching a funny movie? The more you become aware of your feelings and how to fulfill your needs without food, the easier your healthy lifestyle changes will come.
Your Turn
HALT is just one strategy we work with, with our clients at FCM Coaching. Making a lifestyle change isn’t a picnic. But it is rewarding beyond just being able to manage your weight. See what some of our clients are saying on our testimonials page and book a Discovery Call!

Stop the Yo-Yo Effect, Finally
While everyone is hitting the gym, look at changing the way you think, eat and move so you can have that yo-yo effect be a thing of the past.
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Nutrition plan, coaching and education are the three pillars of FCM Coaching. Book a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call to learn more and take the next step!