Meet the Assistant Coach, Bri
The Struggle Bus
How many times have you swung between sizes of clothing? If it’s A LOT, I’m right there with you on that struggle bus! Looking over just the past 10 years, I have gone between sizes 18 and 8, it’s overwhelming. But over the past 10 years, I have now had 3 babies and a major shift in my health.
My name is Brianne (Bri) Foell, the assistant coach of FCM Coaching, and I’ve been on the struggle bus with you trying to figure out my health. First of all, what is healthy? What is best for me? And, can I work out enough to get the weight off and keep it off, forever? The answer is no!
I got tired of the yo-yo effect. I felt trapped. At one point, I had lived in maternity clothes for 2 years beyond having a baby. I was just waiting to get back into my “pre-baby” clothes rather than buying larger sizes.
I was told it was easy to have kids! It was easy to lose weight after having a baby! As well as hearing, “As long as you nurse, the weight will just melt off.” What seemed “normal”, was never the case for me. I felt like a failure and alone struggling with my body and being comfortable in my clothes.
A Journey
With my first child, my health spun out of control and I gained 80 pounds from my previously healthy weight. I only achieved to be able to lose half of that before having our second child and was still considered obese. Though my second pregnancy was better and healthier in a lot of ways, I still struggled with my weight and understanding my health.
It has been a journey for me to learn about my own health first. It has included finding the resources I needed to better understand my body. Then it was getting to know the right people in my life to get to a place of health. Through this journey, I have come to a place of understanding about my body. More importantly, I’ve learned about the food that directly affects my health, that affects my body’s size.
My Turning Point
After my second son was born and a year of nursing, I began my plan in March 2020 and reached my goal in July 2020. After reaching my goal in about 5 months, dedicated to following my plan, I was able to maintain and gain the health benefits supporting my thyroid and my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS).
Metabolic Balance® was the game changer for me when it came to turning my health around and actually see the weight come off! After battling with my own body for at least 10 years, I came to understand it and respect it. When I treat it with the right foods and the right portions, it gave back to me! I lost weight without exercise. My hair was healthier. My skin glowed. I loved wearing clothes again!
While nutrition and changing the way we eat is one of the most difficult things to do in our society today, it has been the answer to getting my body, my health, and my life to a place I’ve wanted for so long. I was in a place to be able to continue to grow my family as well and be present for my kids.
While I’ve found the tool of nutrition and a program that best fits my unique body and health to reach my goal, I am still practicing the lifestyle Metabolic Balance® sets up for you to maintain my health. It continues to be a journey, but one of encouragement and a whole lot of success!
My Lifestyle Shift
With a nutrition program, sometimes we see a list of foods and we choose to eat them or not, who is going to know! What is important about FCM Coaching is that you get your personalized nutrition program but the success didn’t come without coaching support. Dr. Maggie is my own Metabolic Balance® Coach and it was through her coaching and our journey together that has made the lifestyle shift achievable. I am not perfect. She is not perfect. We coach you about making “best choices” and we dig a little deeper into the motivation behind those choices. Learn more about our coaching program by booking a Discovery Call to chat with one of us!

Stop the Yo-Yo Effect, Finally
While everyone is hitting the gym, look at changing the way you think, eat and move so you can have that yo-yo effect be a thing of the past.
Let's Talk
Book a FREE 30 minute call to learn more about our program and the next steps in your health journey!