Meet Dr. Maggie, Coach
I know your struggle
I know your struggle to manage weight and maintain health because it has been my struggle too. Hello, I’m Dr. Maggie, FCM Coaching, Intrinsic Coach. Growing up in rural North Dakota, I was always active in sports, working on the farm and my mother didn’t allow much junk food in the house. Yet I was overweight as a child. God bless my mother who tried everything she knew, my thyroid was checked yearly. I have been in and out of organized and unorganized weight loss programs since the 3rd grade.
The Journey
I know the success of following a strict program and the agony of the weight just coming back on. In 2017, I was introduced to Metabolic Balance® when I went for a brain scan after my last concussion. This 5th head injury had left its mark and I needed help. I met with a nutritionist and she suggested MB. It was overwhelming at the time and I didn’t think I could take on anything new, so I left it.
My Success
A year later, I still wasn’t where I wanted to be so I decided to give it a try. I started Labor Day weekend of 2018. By March of 2019, I was down 20 lbs. For 3 years now I have kept the 20 lbs off. It hasn’t been easy sailing either. During this time, I tore the ligaments of my ankle and couldn’t work out at all. I managed my weight; even with totally falling off the wagon and sliding back to my old lifestyle that wasn’t making me healthy for about 2 months. I pulled myself back together, got back to the habits that serve me and the weight I put on came right off.
My Lessons Learned
While some say this was a failure, I found it a learning moment. I learned that I now know the foods that serve my body well. No matter what happens in life when I stick to the 8 strategies of Metabolic Balance®, I can be successful for the rest of my life. Learning about why I was eating the way I was eating and how it was making me unhealthy has been an important lesson as well. I continue to learn about myself and this lifestyle.
Your Question
This program isn’t just about weight loss. You and I both know we can lose weight. That hasn’t been the issue. It’s about how to sustain it. If we knew what to do, we would do it. Where are we supposed to learn this? For me, it was Metabolic Balance®. I have been through all 4 phases and continue to live this way. I feel so strongly about how effective this program is that I became a coach.
My Passions
Besides coaching, I love being a chiropractor, mom, and motorcycle rider in the summer and snowshoer in the winter. I also like to lift weight and do body combat aerobics. Running and spin classes give me a welcome challenge. If I’m not doing those things then I’m learning something new. I enjoy attending continuing education classes.
Living the Best You
My grandmother said, “They can take everything from you but your education.” I have taken this to heart. So, I brought on an assistant coach to develop a series of programs so that we address not only the food aspect but the mindset as well. The education series that has been developed is here to help you learn and once you know you can take action and continue to take action towards living the best you. We are here to help you learn through the 4 phases of Metabolic Balance®.
Your next step
Learn more about our coaching experience and series by clicking this link. I know what it’s like to get your hopes up that this time the program will be successful. But I realized that I was hoping it would be sustainable. This program has been for me, and it can be for you. Book a Discovery Call to talk to us about what it can do for you!

Stop the Yo-Yo Effect, Finally
While everyone is hitting the gym, look at changing the way you think, eat and move so you can have that yo-yo effect be a thing of the past.
Let's Talk
Chat with us for a 30 minute Discovery Call to ask questions you have and take the next steps to building your health and reach your goals!