A Lifestyle is Not Just About You
This statement may not be what you expect but in all reality, it’s one of the truest things you should hear. When you take a journey to work on your health, you are making changes for yourself that directly affect your health, your body, your mindset; but there are others in your life that is also part of your journey. Whether you have a family in your home, a partner, your extended family and even your circle of friends, your journey includes them as well.
People’s Expectation
When you make a lifestyle change, you are changing what people expect of you and your expectations of them. When you go to grandma’s and she has made you your favorite cookies, how can you say no when she has made them for you since you were little. Your choices for yourself, though positive for a healthy lifestyle, can be tough for those around you simply because you are changing the expectations.
The Transition
So how do you ease the transition?
While this is a personal health journey that is shifting your lifestyle, share your WHY. Give them the deep seeded reasons and open up about this, you will find more support when you have an honest conversation with someone who wants to hear it.
Allow you and them time to adjust. You are making changes and will have temptations to fall back into old habits and they might just forget about your own changes you’ve made. Approach both situations with grace about both mistakes and the fact it will take time to make adjustments. Lifestyle changes don’t change overnight for you or for “your people”.
Lastly, learn to say no. Say “no” gently, gracefully, with a smile and if that doesn’t work, say it straight, “No, thank you.” Remember you have a relationship with these people in your life so be sure to foster that relationship while still being true to your goals, and your success.
Personal Lifestyle & Family
While Metabolic Balance® is a personalized nutrition plan specifically for your body with the foods and portion sizes your body needs to function optimally, we coach the lifestyle shift that goes along with it so this journey isn’t just about you. We coach you on how to eat with your family and even someone else who has their own plan in your health. While you begin eating your foods and not sharing your food at all to be sure you consume your portion size, sharing the types of foods you eat and eating whole foods to be able to cook, is sharable.
If you are ready to make a lifestyle change for yourself and share this shift with your people, book a Discovery Call and we will take 30 minutes to talk about what you want to know about and learn more about FCM Coaching!

Oatmeal, A Quality Piece of the Nutrition Puzzle
What really is the big deal about oatmeal? Enjoy a warm steamy bowl of educational facts with a little flavor added with some recipe ideas.
Let's Talk
Do you and your spouse, friends, family want to take on this program together!? Book a 30 minute FREE Discovery Call to discuss options for everyone to benefit from making a lifestyle change with your own personalized nutrition plan.