Oatmeal, A Quality Piece of the Nutrition Puzzle
If you start to really look around, you can find oatmeal everywhere! Not only is it advertised as a heart healthy food, but it’s in lotion, shampoo and conditioner, all sorts of granola products and breakfast foods. I’ve even used it in making a meatloaf. (Which is super delicious by the way!) Oatmeal is also common starch that may be included in your Metabolic Balance plan. So what really is the big deal about oatmeal? This month is oatmeal month so we are going to enjoy a warm steamy bowl of educational facts with a little flavor added with some recipe ideas.
The Health Facts
If you are anything like me, I need to know why I should do something before I will do it. Chalk it up to childhood rooted stubbornness! So when I’m told a food like oatmeal is good for me, I have tons of questions. So to feed some of those questions, here are the facts of what oatmeal contains that will support your health lifestyle choices.
Oatmeal is rich in fiber, with about 4 grams of fiber per cup, this can cover about 14% of your daily value of this nutrient. It is a whole-grain power house that provides this magnitude of daily fiber you need as well as a wealth of antioxidants that help protect you against diseases and has anti-aging effects. Just one cup of oats also provides your body with 11% of your daily value of iron and 14% of your daily value of zinc. With both iron and zinc, you are providing your body with the nutrients needed to support the transportation of oxygen throughout the body and support immune function. You also have a bowl full of vitamin B, and minerals such as magnesium and manganese. [2]
What Does This Mean for You?
So facts are essential but knowing how it benefits you, can be challenging sometimes. With the rich source of fiber, iron and zinc (just the ones we covered here), oatmeal has been researched and found it an excellent source to reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL). This means that it has the nutrient value to start breaking down and cleaning out the bad cholesterol from your arteries. By reducing this health concern, you also reduce the risk of heart disease. [2] Research has shown a drop of 7% of LDL cholesterol. Now isn’t that amazing of what the power of food can do! [1]
While your overall health has many factors that come into play when we are discussing some of these conditions and diseases, oatmeal has shown to reduce
- Blood sugar
- Promote healthy bacteria in your gut
- Eases constipation
- Relieves skin itching and irritation
- Lowers your chance of colon cancer
- Helps you to feel full to manage your weight
Piece of the Puzzle
Now eating only oatmeal isn’t going to give you the complete solution to your health conditions or concerns, but instead, take this information and see how it works within a puzzle. Oatmeal is a possible option found on a Metabolic Balance plan because of the quality and richness this food provides in nutrients and minerals that provide the body the environment to begin to balance and provide you with better health.
Picture of Health
When you include oatmeal within a healthy lifestyle, you may find a relief of some of your symptoms that you may have recognized you have above. Though, a healthy lifestyle is encompassing with additional quality and rich whole foods provided everyday, throughout your day. Part of this picture also includes how you move, and how you think, not just how you eat. When your goal is your best picture of health, becoming aware of these three pillars, how you think, eat and move, is essential in evaluating your health status and what you want to accomplish.
FCM Coaching
At FCM Coaching, we look at the big picture and more specifically, the picture of health. We are lifestyle coaches that are certified in Intrinsic Coaching and Certified Metabolic Balance Coaches. We are here to support your health lifestyle goals that are based on the three pillars of how you think, eat and move. With these three pillars, this is where the magic comes to achieve your goals using our coaching program. Learn more about our coaching program by booking a Discovery Call. We are your coach and approachable next door neighbor. Come with ease and chat with us about your questions as you begin your health journey.
Now a Little Flavor!
Instant Oats: Oat groats that have been steamed and flaked
Rolled oats (also called regular or old-fashioned oats): Oat groats that have been steamed and rolled into flakes that are thicker (and thus take longer to cook) than instant oats.
Steel-cut Oats: You get the whole oat kernel, cut up. These take about 20 minutes to cook.
Oat Groats: This is the whole oat kernel, no cuts,flakes, or grinding. They take longer to cook than other oats. Give them 50-60 minutes to cook, after you bring the water to a boil. [1]
1.For those who enjoy nut butters, here is an easy recipe that is vegan, gluten-free and oil-free. While using your Metabolic Balance plan, this recipe is best for Phase 4, it’s a great place to start thinking about making some healthy alternative breakfasts for yourself! https://www.powerhungry.com/2022/09/3-ingredient-peanut-butter-granola-v-gf/
2. Another Phase 4 recipe since bananas, though very healthy and rich with nutrients, are high in glycemic load. That being said, it’s a whole food, a healthy choice and who doesn’t love a healthy cookie! https://www.powerhungry.com/2021/03/soft-vegan-banana-oat-cookies/
3. Now here is a little different take on how and when to use oatmeal! So let’s experiment with a Stir-fried Steel Cut Oats recipe. We truly don’t typically get enough vegetables in our day. As you begin a healthy lifestyle, try out this recipe, while in Phase 4, this would be another healthy lifestyle choice using the principles you’ll learn with your Metabolic Balance plan.
Happy Cooking & Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Not every Metabolic Balance plan has this food included in a plan. Plan creation is based on your 36 lab values and health history that is evaluated to generate a food list full of the best foods that provide you with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed to reset your health.
[1] Manning, J. (2020) Oatmeal. Nourish by WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/diet/oatmeal-benefits
[2] Migala, J. (2020) 7 Scientific Health Benefits to Oatmeal. Everyday Health: Diet & Nutrition. https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/scientific-health-benefits-of-oatmeal/

Stop the Yo-Yo Effect, Finally
While everyone is hitting the gym, look at changing the way you think, eat and move so you can have that yo-yo effect be a thing of the past.
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